
Adult Volunteers

We're looking for volunteers to help adults learn English. For more information please e-mail: pegah.sharifian@palisadespark.bccls.org

Teen Volunteers

Currently accepting volunteers in 9th-12th grade!

If you are a high schooler interested in volunteering, please email yuliya.abova@palisadespark.bccls.org ! We are currently accepting volunteers in 9th-12th grade for various positions.

All those who are interested in community service hours at the Palisades Park Public Library should read our requirements for volunteering stated below. As a library volunteer, you’ll be helping to provide everyone in our community with life-enriching experiences.

  • We will be able to accept a limited number of volunteers at any given time. This is for the best interests of the volunteer(s), so that adequate supervision can be given. You will be placed on a waiting list if all positions are filled at the time of application.
  • A librarian  must approve all volunteers before beginning their hours. Volunteers must be 14 years of age or older.
  • Volunteers generally work for one hour, one day a week.
  • There is a probation period of 6 hours, during which time your supervisor will determine if it is of mutual best interest to continue volunteering.
  • Volunteers are responsible for keeping track of the hours they have worked. They must sign in and out of our volunteer binder.
  • Volunteers will receive a letter of recommendation upon completion of hours. We will keep records of volunteer hours for one year after completion of service — we will not give letters of recommendation once the records have been discarded.

Volunteers must be respectful of their supervisors and the policies of the Library. Failure to do so will result in termination of volunteer privileges. We are delighted to add your service to our own with the best interests of the Library at heart.

Please contact Yuliya Abova for volunteer opportunities: 201-585-4150 or email yuliya.abova@palisadespark.bccls.org. 

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