Dungeons and Dragons are cancelled tonight. We apologize for the inconvenience and will see you next month.
Homework Help program will meet on Mondays after school in the library meeting room. Please email Yuliya at yuliya.abova@palisadespark.bccls.org to register as a homework helper. Space is limited and is on a first come, first served basis.
Get your community service hours at the library!
9th-12th graders welcome!
Volunteer projects change depending on time of year and the library needs. Sometimes there is limited availability due to high interest.
Currently, our volunteers opportunities are as follows:
If you are interested in volunteering,please fill out our volunteer interest form here.
With any questions or concerns, please email Yuliya at yuliya.abova@palisadespark.bccls.org.
February Teen Events
Events open to all teens in grades 7-12.
We will have snacks for all attendees. Bring your sweet drinks and your friends.
Register here.
With any questions or concerns, please email Yuliya at yuliya.abova@palisadespark.bccls.org.