Due to limited space, we are unable to accept donations at this time. Thank you.
당분간 한정된 공간으로 책 도네이션은 받지 않습니다. 감사합니다.
The Library welcomes gifts of cash or checks. Checks should be made out to The Palisades Park Public Library. Unrestricted monetary gifts will be used at the discretion of the Library Director and/or the Library Board in accordance with the Library’s mission statement or any other relevant planning documents.
Gifts of books and other materials are accepted with the understanding that they are the Library’s property at the time of donations. The materials may be used or disposed of at the Library’s discretion. The Library will accept no gift(s) unless it is freely given to the extent that the Library may dispose of the gift as it sees fit (selling, discarding or giving away, storing the gift or moving it to various locations, etc.). Titles acquired in this manner are subject to the basic standards of selection. Due to time and space constraints we can only accept one shopping bag of materials at a time. The Library does not provide evaluations of gifts for tax deductions or other purposes.
For other donation inquires relating to art, equipment, furnishings, etc., or for monetary gifts exceeding $500 please contact the Library Director to discuss the appropriate steps.
The Library reserves the right to refuse any gift(s).