Public Computers
The Palisades Park Public Library has computers for public use. To access the computers, patrons should have a valid Palisades Park library card or a valid BCCLS library card. All individuals using the public computers must comply with the Internet Use Policy.
Guest passes are given out to non library card holders upon request and if the situation allows.
55 minutes are given during a computer session. Extra time may be given by a staff member if the situation allows. If other patrons are waiting to use the computers, extra time will not be granted.
Patrons are unable to use the computers if they have more than a $10 charge on their account or if they are blocked.
Children may use the main area computers. Only ONE child per computer is permitted. During the school year, computer games are not permitted between 3-6PM.
Parents or Guardians and their children must comply with our Internet Use Policy and our Unattended Children Policy. To learn more about the Library’s policies please visit our Policies Page.
Computer Procedures
Enter your library card number into an available computer to gain access to a computer. You will have one 55-minute session.
You may extend your time at the circulation desk if no other patrons are waiting to use the computers.
When you want to end your computer session, sign out of any accounts and close any programs to ensure your information remains secure. Then click DONE.
It is important to note:
The library reserves the right to interrupt an extended session with 5 minutes notice.
Patrons with fines of $10 or more associated with their library card cannot gain access to the computers or print from the computers until the fine is paid.
The computers stop taking reservations 15 minutes before close and turn off 5 minutes before close.
Wireless Internet
The Palisades Park Public Library provides everyone with FREE wireless internet. Patrons with personal laptops, tablets, smartphones, or other internet capable devices can connect to our Wi-Fi using the network “pp_library”. There is no password needed.
Please visit our Printing Services for more details.